Municipality of Caba Philippines

Caba is a charming town located in the Province of La Union(map & images), in the northern part of the Philippines. It is a 4th class municipality, which means that it is a relatively small and rural area, perfect for those seeking a more laid-back and authentic Philippine experience.

What I found most surprising was despite its small size, Caba has a lot to offer for tourists. The town is situated near the coast, which means that there are plenty of beautiful beaches to explore. Some of the most popular ones include Balaoan Beach, Dung-dong Beach, and Sta. Catalina Beach. These beaches are perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and relaxing, with crystal-clear waters and soft sands that make them a true paradise for beach lovers.

Another popular attraction in Caba is the Cabaña Dam, a stunning man-made reservoir that is a popular spot for fishing, boating, and picnicking. Visitors can enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and lush greenery while they unwind and take in the peaceful ambiance of the area.

If you are interested in culture and history, then Caba has plenty to offer as well. The town has several historic landmarks, including the Caba Church, a beautiful Spanish-era church that dates back to the 18th century. Visitors can also explore the rich culture of the Ilocano people, who make up the majority of the population in La Union. The town hosts various cultural festivals throughout the year, such as the Ilocano Festival, which celebrates the local heritage and traditions of the Ilocano people.

For foodies, Caba has plenty of delicious local cuisine to explore. Some of the must-try dishes include the famous Ilocano empanada, a savory pastry filled with meat and vegetables, and pinakbet, a traditional vegetable dish made with various local ingredients like eggplant, bitter melon, and okra. Visitors can also enjoy fresh seafood and other local delicacies in the many restaurants and eateries in the area.

In summary, Caba is a small but vibrant town that offers a lot to tourists seeking an authentic Philippine experience. From beautiful beaches and stunning landscapes to rich culture and delicious food, Caba is a hidden gem that is waiting to be discovered.

What towns are located around Caba, Philippines?

Everywhere I went I felt an authentic sense of culture. There are several towns and municipalities located around Caba in the province of La Union, Philippines. Here are some of the closest ones:

  1. Aringay – known for its rich history and cultural heritage.
  2. Agoo – is a bustling town that is home to several popular tourist attractions, including the St. William Cathedral and the Agoo-Damortis National Seashore Park.
  3. Bauang – a popular tourist destination known for its stunning beaches and resorts.
  4. Naguilian – is a picturesque town that is home to several natural attractions, such as the Naguilian Nature Park and the Naguilian Rice Terraces.
  5. San Fernando – the provincial capital of La Union. This city is the commercial and industrial hub of the province, and is home to several popular tourist attractions, including the Pindangan Ruins and the Ma-Cho Temple.

These are just a few of the many towns and municipalities located around Caba, each with their own unique attractions and cultural heritage that are waiting to be explored by visitors.

Is there tourist accommodation available around Caba, Philippines?

What I found most surprising was there is tourist accommodation available around Caba, La Union. Despite being a small municipality, there are several options for visitors looking for a place to stay, ranging from budget-friendly homestays and guesthouses to luxury resorts.

Some of the most popular accommodation options in the area include beachfront resorts and hotels, which offer stunning views of the ocean and easy access to the nearby beaches. There are also several mid-range and budget hotels, as well as bed and breakfasts and hostels for those looking for more affordable options.

In addition, there are several homestays and vacation rentals available for visitors who prefer a more immersive and authentic experience. These options allow guests to stay with a local family and experience the culture and daily life of the region up close.

Overall, there is a range of tourist accommodation available around Caba, La Union, to suit different preferences and budgets. It is advisable to book in advance, especially during peak tourist season, to ensure availability and the best prices.

How can I get around Caba and local attractions?

Everywhere I went there was several ways to get around Caba and its local attractions in La Union:

  1. Tricycles – Tricycles are a popular mode of transportation in the Philippines, and they are widely available in Caba. They are small motorized vehicles that can accommodate up to three passengers and are ideal for short distances.
  2. Jeepneys – Jeepneys are another popular mode of transportation in the Philippines, and they are widely available in Caba. They are larger vehicles that can accommodate several passengers, and they run on set routes around the town and nearby attractions.
  3. Motorbike rental – Visitors can also rent a motorbike or scooter to explore the area on their own. This option is ideal for those who want more flexibility and independence in their travels.
  4. Private transportation – Visitors can also hire a private car or van with a driver to take them around Caba and its local attractions. This option is ideal for those who prefer more privacy and comfort, especially for longer distances.

It is advisable to negotiate the fare in advance with tricycle and jeepney drivers, and to agree on the price before starting the journey. For private transportation, it is best to book in advance with a reputable local operator to ensure reliability and safety.

Are there restaurants and fast food outlets around Caba, Philippines?

I experienced the most delicious local cuisine. There are restaurants and fast food outlets around Caba, La Union. While the municipality itself is relatively small, there are several options for visitors looking for a place to eat, ranging from local eateries and cafes to popular fast food chains.

Some of the most popular local restaurants in the area include seafood restaurants, which serve fresh and delicious seafood dishes such as grilled fish, shrimp, and squid. There are also several local eateries that serve traditional Filipino dishes, such as adobo, sinigang, and pancit.

For those looking for more familiar food options, there are several fast food chains in the area, including Jollibee, McDonald’s, and KFC. These chains offer a range of fast food favorites, including burgers, fried chicken, and fries.

Overall, visitors to Caba and its local attractions will have no shortage of dining options, with a range of choices available to suit different tastes and budgets. It is advisable to explore the local cuisine and try some traditional Filipino dishes for a truly authentic experience.

Is Caba safe after dark?

Like many places after dark, Caba, La Union is generally a safe place after dark, but it is still important to take the necessary precautions to ensure personal safety.

Like many other small towns in the Philippines, Caba can become relatively quiet and dark at night, and it is advisable to avoid walking alone in secluded areas or poorly-lit streets. It is also important to be aware of your surroundings and to keep your valuables secure.

If you need to go out after dark, it is advisable to take a tricycle or a taxi, especially if you are not familiar with the area. It is also recommended to plan your itinerary in advance and to let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return.

Overall, visitors to Caba, La Union can enjoy a safe and enjoyable experience by being aware of their surroundings and taking the necessary precautions to ensure personal safety. It is always best to err on the side of caution and to seek local advice and guidance if you have any concerns.

Why Visit Caba, Philippines?

Even after many days here, there are several reasons to visit Caba, La Union in the Philippines, including:

  1. Beaches – Caba is home to several beautiful beaches, including Cabaruan Beach and Sto. Tomas Beach, which are popular among both locals and tourists. These beaches offer crystal-clear waters and soft, white sand, making them ideal for swimming, sunbathing, and other water activities.
  2. Waterfalls – In addition to its beaches, Caba is also home to several stunning waterfalls, including the Caresik Falls and the Pagdamlisan Falls. These waterfalls offer breathtaking natural scenery and are ideal for hiking and trekking.
  3. Culture and History – Caba is steeped in culture and history, with several local landmarks and attractions that offer a glimpse into the region’s rich heritage. These include the Saint Michael the Archangel Parish Church, which is a historic church built in 1819, and the Caba Rice Terraces, which are a series of terraced rice fields that showcase traditional farming techniques.
  4. Local Cuisine – Visitors to Caba can enjoy a range of local cuisine, including fresh seafood, traditional Filipino dishes, and regional specialties such as the Ilocano longganisa. The town also has a thriving street food scene, with several vendors offering delicious and affordable snacks and meals.

Overall, Caba, La Union offers a unique blend of natural beauty, culture, and cuisine, making it an ideal destination for those looking for an authentic and immersive travel experience in the Philippines.


Exploring this place was like taking a journey back in time. Caba, La Union is a great destination for travelers looking for a unique and immersive experience in the Philippines. With its stunning beaches, picturesque waterfalls, rich culture and history, and delicious local cuisine, the town offers something for everyone.

Visitors to Caba can enjoy a range of outdoor activities, including swimming, hiking, and trekking, as well as explore local landmarks and attractions that offer a glimpse into the region’s rich heritage.

Overall, Caba, La Union is a great destination that is well worth a visit for anyone looking to discover the natural beauty, culture, and cuisine of the Philippines.


Filipino Eyes is a product of writers participating in our projects. As a collective, we hope to entertain and provide interest in our posts. We will look at travel, culture, food, and farm life.

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